Thursday, December 20, 2012

The National Energy Policy lacks Social Justice.

The Communist Party of Malta views the Government’s national energy policy as one that lacks social justice. Once again the government has failed to address the increasing problem of ‘fuel poverty’.

“The rise in energy tariffs, especially on  the basic consumption of gas and electricity is putting families in a precarious financial situation where in order to pay the energy bills their standard of living is being lowered. Last year a record number of old persons had to be hospitalised as they could not afford to heat their residence.”

The Communist Party once again appeals for a social policy with regards to domestic energy. “Government should conduct a study, on the lines of the Caritas report to quantify the necessary basic amount of energy consumption needed by families.   The Party insists that the basic consumption of energy should be safeguarded with a fixed reasonable rate, while waste of energy should be heavily penalised.” 

“The policy projected by the Government where energy production remains under state control is positive, as this ensures more stability and security in energy tariffs.”

“On the other hand we disagree with the Government’s policy with regards ‘Solar energy Farms’, as it is a vague policy that lacks social justice. The Party believes that the state should invest in renewable energy from public funds, so that all families could benefit from this type of investment. To date the national policy on energy has discriminated against the have-nots.”

“The €50 million government’s proposed reduction in the income tax for the well off could have made good for a capital investment in renewable energy that benefits all the social strata.”