Friday, May 31, 2013

The Communist Party calls for more transparency in public finances.

The Communist Party of Malta deplores what have occurred recently in Parliament. An important matter, such as public finances in Parliament ended up in a partisan political squabble. The present situation, of the country's finances, is the result of the neoliberal policies upheld by the previous administration, which had always hid the state of the financial situation.
"The reduction in the rate of income tax from 35% to 25% for those earning between € 20,000 and € 60,000 will continue to put down the country's finances. Government revenues will decline, increasing the deficit, and the government will be forced to reduce the capital expenditure, in the social and educational fields ".
The party states that it "disagrees with the speech of the honorable Minister Edward Scicluna where he attributed  the increase in the deficit to the signing of collective agreements at the beginning of this year".
"It would be fairer if the Parliament gave a more clearer picture of the impact that this tax reduction, would leave on public finances", concluded the Communist Party of Malta.

Sunday, May 26, 2013

“GMO Free Europe”

The Communist Party of Malta supports the initiative taken by various organisations to organise a protest march against Monsanto.   
The Party said that “US recently had passed a law that gave the right to companies to sell genetically-modified (GM) seeds even when federal courts have blocked them from doing so, due to health or environmental reason. According to reports, Monsanto was directly involved in crafting this legislation”.
“The Government should put pressure on European Union for a Europe free from the cultivation and production of GMOs. European Union should not succumb to pressure from multinationals, but instead should safeguard ecological sustainability and agricultural diversity”, concluded the Party.