The Communist Party of Malta condemns the declarations made recently by the unelected Interim Government of Ukraine, to ban the communist movement in the country. The Communist Party of Ukraine enjoys the support of 13.2% of the population.
“President Turchynov is using this unconstitutional measure to silence the progressive forces in Ukraine. This President was installed by extreme right wing and NAZI forces which were backed by the European Union and the United States”.
“In the past we saw violent physical attacks on communist members of the Ukrainian parliament, on heads of regional party committees and other leftist activists. Their headquarters were destroyed, which is a scandal in itself”.
The Communist Party of Malta said that “the European Parliament should remain consistent with its previous statements, were it called upon the former legally elected Ukrainian Government to guarantee rights and freedoms to all political forces in the country. The Communist Party of Malta expects that the European Parliament exerts the same pressure on the present Ukrainian administration”.
The Communist Party of Malta shows solidarity with the Communist Party of Ukraine in this difficult moments and appeals to all political forces in Malta to show their disapproval towards these illegal actions that are being taken by the present Ukrainian Government. All Opposition forces including the Communist Party of Ukraine will not contest the General Elections in sign of protest against the unconstitutionality of these elections.