Tuesday, January 18, 2011

Support for the joint statement of DPRK

The Communist Party of Malta fully supports the joint statement released on January 5, 2011 by the DPRK government, political parties, and other social organizations where they set forward important proposals to the South Korean authority, political parties and other organizations to improve the inter-Korean relations, promote national reconciliation and unity.

The danger of war on the Korean peninsula must, without fail, be defused to ensure peace on the Korean peninsula and achieve peaceful reunification of Korea.

We consider it the most realistic proposal to mend the inter Korean relations now at the lowest ebb for the north and the south of Korea to conduct dialogue and negotiations.

We call upon the South Korean authority to sincerely approach the discussion on the important issues to promote national reconciliation and unity and open a landmark phase of peace and reunification on the Korean Peninsula as proposed by the DPRK.

We extend full support and solidarity in appeal of the DPRK government, political parties, and organizations for the peaceful solution of the Korean problem.

Monday, January 17, 2011

The Communist Party of Malta on the situation in Tunisia

The Communist Party of Malta gives it’s full support to the Tunisian people who are struggling for freedom and working class emancipation.

" Tunisia which for years was admired and supported by the West for its capitalist economy and it’s support to imperialism, is now in a revolutionary situation where the workers' movement supported by the Communist Party of Tunisia and other progressives are calling for a radical change to improve the people’s conditions."

Tunisia could be an example for the working class in Europe who are currently bearing the brunt of the austerity measures and high prices of energy and food imposed by the international markets.

The Communist Party of Malta compare these events with those that occurred in Thailand last year where people were killed and communist leaders imprisoned for protesting against poverty and against the military imposed government, with the King’s blessing.

The Communist Party of Malta regrets that again, the European Union failed to take a clear position on this issue, as it had done previously in the case of Thailand .

We believe that the Communist Party of Tunisia should be involved in the talks that are being held presently to form a new Government and should not be excluded as it is currently being done. Any change in government should be in the interest of the working class and Tunisian people. We deplore the fact that the bourgeoisie are again trying to hinder the revolutionary process.

The Communist Party of Malta gives it’s support and solidarity to the leader of the Communist Party of Tunisia Hamma Hammami who was imprisoned by the ousted Tunisian President Ben Ali. Hamma Hammami is still in prison along with other Communists.

Wednesday, January 12, 2011

PR: The Communist Party of Malta about the increases in energy prices


The Communist Party of Malta notes that the increase in the price of energy and gas will lead to a new social poverty. These increases are directly affecting the working classes and the pensioners. Many workers with low income are finding it more difficult to keep their present standard of living. National statistics confirm this.

”It is shameful that the political class in government is not being sensitive to the problems that the people face everyday. The use of energy and gas are an essential resource in the daily life of every family, and it should oblige the government to take the necessary social measures so that this commodity remains accessible to everyone”.

"Trade Unions are all of the same opinion that the government is abandoning its social policy and is adopting a right wing agenda where only the powerful and the rich succeed.”

The Communist Party of Malta believes that right wing governments lack in social conscience. This can be seen by the huge increase in the salaries of Government MPs, while the cost of living increase given to the people was a mere pittance. Only the workers are bearing the burden of the austerity measures.

"The social gap under the present Nationalist government is being widened. We urge the Government to take immediate measures in order to protect those with low incomes and pensioners, while reintroducing ‘a subsidy policy’ on essential basic commodities and taxing more capital gains”.

Tuesday, January 4, 2011

Message to KPL on the 90th Anniversary of its founding

Dear Comrades,

The Central Committee of the Communist Party of Malta sends warm fraternal greetings to its fraternal party the Communist party of Luxembourg on the occasion of its 90th Anniversary from its founding on January 2nd 1921.

From its birth The Communist Party of Luxembourg had struggled for the interest of the working class against capitalist exploitation, and fought valiantly against the fascists occupiers during the Second World War with many of its cadres sacrificing their lives in that arduous struggle.

The Communist Party of Malta acknowledges your parliamentary work and your ability to win parliamentary seats in the national parliament and also representation in many communal administrations, thus enabling the party to continue the struggle for the improvement of the conditions working class also from within your country’s’ legislative assembly.

The publication of the newspaper “Zeitung vom Letzebuerger Volleke” on a daily basis was also a great achievement, and shows the support the KPL enjoys among the working people in Luxembourg.

The Communist Party of Malta augers that the celebration of your 90th Anniversary further strengthens the Communist Party of Luxembourg in the forthcoming struggles against the imposition of austerity measures on the working class to make good for the present capitalist crises.

The Communist Party of Malta encourages the Communist Party of Luxembourg to continue on the path of active struggle, so that along with other fraternal parties from all over the world will put an end to exploitation of men by men, for the abolition of the moribund capitalist system. , For the dissolution of NATO. EU and all other Imperialist instruments of aggression.. Moving forward, towards, a better socialist future, which will ensure world peace.

Long Live Marxism Leninism

Long Live the Communist Party of Luxembourg

To the Central Committee of the Communist Party of Vietnam

Dear Comrades,The Communist Party of Malta sends warm fraternal greetings to the Communist Party of Vietnam on the occasion of the 11th Congress of the Communist Party of Vietnam. And Augers success in all the tasks to be undertaken by the congress which we are sure that with the Ideological foundations set by the founder of your party the great Ho Chi Minh and under the banner of Marxism Leninism that the Communist Party of Vietnam will continue on the path towards Socialism. We are assured that the heroic people of Vietnam who gave U.S. Imperialism it’s greatest defeat will again rise up for the occasion in the development of Vietnam as a highly Industrialized Socialist country a task that will be set up by this Congress which will contribute towards world peace and friendship among nations. The Communist Party of Malta, again augers every success to, the 11th Congress of the Communist Party of Vietnam. A party, that is striving to increase, the social well being, of the people of Vietnam.

Long Live Marxism Leninism

Long Live the Communist Party of Vietnam

To Central Committee of the Communist Party of Cuba

The Communist Party of Malta sends its warmest fraternal greetings to the leadership, central committee, activists and cadres of the Communist Party of Cuba on the occasion of the 52nd year from the triumph of the Cuban Revolution.

We auger that the Cuban Revolution which has inspired the Latin American Continent, and also the rest of the world, will continue to surmount all the obstacles, that the empire puts forward in order to hinder the social progress of the Cuban people . The Cuban Revolution will continue to receive solidarity from the Communist Party of Malta and from all the progressive people in the world’

Long Live socialism

Long Live the Cuban Revolution