Monday, August 25, 2014

“Local Councils should ensure Universal Use of Public Conveniences”

What results from this discriminatory policy

The Communist Party of Malta appeals to Marsascala Local Council not to apply the same discriminatory policy adopted by the Valletta Local Council to privatize public convenience.  Valletta Local Council is in fact discriminating between those who have the means and those who have not.
“Public conveniences should be accessible to all, regardless of a person’s income.  Universal use should be guaranteed, as this is a fundamental human right, such as the right to clean water”.
“The Minister in charge of Local Councils should condemn such policies and take action so public conveniences are once again be accessible to all”, stated the Communist Party of Malta.   

Friday, August 15, 2014

MEA’s employment proposals are a threat to workers.

“The proposals put forward by the Malta Employers Association, to change and amend the “Employment and Industrial Regulations Act”, are unacceptable. The association arguments with regards sick leave, threatens the worker’s right to sick leave. The Party gives all its support to the Unions who have come out against these proposals.

“MEA, in the first place should initiate a campaign amongst its members to avoid a situation where workers have to toil under extreme conditions exposed to sunrays. Various studies show that long exposures in summer to the ultraviolet rays of the sun will lead to various health hazards, which include skin cancer and sunstroke”.       

“Same applies to sports, the Communist Party of Malta sees this as a regressive measure, against the individual right to participate in sporting events. The Minister under whose responsibility sports falls should outrightly condemn this proposal”.

“With regards to COLA, the party insists for a progressive reform, so that the increase for the cost of living is more realistic. We appeal also for an increase in the national minimum wage, so that families on low income can live a decent life”.   

The Communist Party of Malta considers MEA proposals as if coming from a Theocratic State. The Malta Employers Association should strive for a better work-life balance, as this will strengthen industrial relations. 

Thursday, August 7, 2014

“Maltese Ambassador in Tel Aviv should be recalled”

Simon Pullicino Malta's Ambassador to Israel

“The separate declaration, issued recently by the Maltese Government and the Opposition, in solidarity with the people of Gaza should be now backed by the calling back of the Maltese Ambassador in Tel Aviv”,  stated the Communist Party of Malta.
“Malta should follow Sweden and other Latin American countries who withdraw their Ambassadors from Israel in protest at Israel’s military offensive in Gaza. The governments in Brazil, Chile, Ecuador, Venezuela, Peru and El Salvador have all called back their ambassadors”.
“Malta should also support the resolution made by the UN Human Rights Council to investigate Israel over war crimes committed in Gaza. This resolution already has the backing of 29 countries”.
“The Palestinian death toll from a devastating Israeli onslaught on the Gaza Strip rose to 1283, according to a Gaza Health Ministry spokesman. At least 7170 Palestinians have also been injured in the ongoing Israeli attacks since July 7”, concluded the Communist Party of Malta.