Saturday, September 26, 2015

Communists support Transport strike for better working conditions.

The Communist Party of Malta expresses its’ solidarity with Malta Public Transport workers in their struggle for better working conditions, healthier working environment and for an improvement in their wages.
“The Government should take the advice of the new leader of UK Labour Party, Jeremy Corbyn who intends re-nationalisation of the railways transport network. In UK Nationalisation of public services will assure better working conditions for the workers, affordability of the service, and a better service for the public”, stated the Communist Party of Malta.


A 50% emergency services renders the strike futile whoever supports this is a class enemy. 

“Government should address the inequality in housing”

The Communist Party of Malta appeals to the Government to address the issue of the rise in property prices. Statistics issued recently by the Central Bank of Malta show that prices of property have risen by 2.8% in first quarter of 2015. Furthermore, the national concern on the amount of properties left vacant for speculative purposes should also be addressed.
The Party states that “such increase in property prices is making it more difficult for low income earners to acquire a decent accommodation. To rent a property in Malta is also becoming more expensive”.
“The Government should not withdraw from its social responsibility. The effect of the free market economy in the property sector is resulting in more virgin land taken up for development, and an unaffordable market property arrangement system has taken hold”.
 “A property renting system based on an affordable and sustainable model is non-existing in Malta. In the Scandinavian Countries, 95% of all the property in their country is rented at an affordable price”.   
 Thus, the Communist Party of Malta suggest to the Government to introduce laws for a progressive taxation on vacant property (third property onwards). The government should also start introducing policies to regulate the property sector, or else increase wages and subsidies to help especially those on low income.

Monday, September 14, 2015

Message of solidarity with the KKE for the electoral battle on the 20th of September

We, the communist and workers parties that sign this statement express our solidarity with the communists of Greece in the face of the difficult electoral battle on the 20th of September.
  We call on the workers, the youth, the popular strata of Greece to strengthen the KKE at the ballot box as well. As it is the KKE that militantly defends their rights all these years, against the anti-people policies of the governments, the EU and IMF.
 The increase of the KKE’s forces is what guarantees the strengthening and effectiveness of the struggles of the Greek people for the rights of the working class and the popular strata, for the overthrow of capitalist barbarity, for workers’-people’s power.

1.       CP of Albania
2.       CP of Australia
3.       Party of Labour of Austria
4.       CP of Azerbaijan
5.       WP of Bangladesh
6.       Communist Party of the Workers of Belarus
7.       Brazilian CP
8.       CP of Brazil
9.       CP of Britain
10.     NCP of Britain
11.     CP of Bulgaria
12.     Union of Communists in Bulgaria
13.     Party of the Bulgarian Communists
14.     CP of Canada
15.     Socialist Workers’ Party of Croatia
16.     CP of Bohemia and Moravia, Czech Republic
17.     CP in Denmark
18.     Pole of Communist Revival in France
19.     CP of Macedonia (FYROM)
20.     CP of Georgia
21.     German CP (DKP)
22.     Hungarian WP
23.     CP of India
24.     CP of Ireland
25.     WP of Ireland
26.     Tudeh Party, Iran
27.     CP, Italy
28.     Socialist Movement Kazakhstan
29.     Lebanese CP
30.     CP of Luxembourg
31.     CP of Malta
32.     CP of Mexico
33.     Popular Socialist Party - National Political Association , MEXICO
34.     Movement “ Popular Resistance” , Moldova
35.     NCP of the Netherlands
36.     CP of Norway
37.     CP of Pakistan
38.     Palestinian CP
39.     Palestinian People’s Party
40.     Peruan CP
41.     Philippines CP (PKP-1930)
42.     CP of Poland
43.     CP of Puerto Rico
44.     Russian Communist Workers’ Party
45.     CP of the Russian Federation
46.     CP of the Soviet Union
47.     Party of Communists of Serbia
48.     CP of Slovakia 
49.     CP of the Peoples of Spain
50.     CP of Sweden
51.     Syrian CP
52.     CP, Turkey
53.     CP of Ukraine
54.     Union of Communists of Ukraine
55.     Party of the Communists, USA
56.     Network of Communist Clubs, USA
57.     CP of Venezuela

The statement is still open for signatures


Sunday, September 6, 2015

Malta should support Palestinians to raise their flag at U.N Headquarters.

 The Communist Party of Malta appeals to the Maltese Government to support the Palestinians in their resolution calling upon the UN General Assembly to allow observer states to have their flag raised at U.N Headquarters for this month’s gathering of world leaders.

 The Party said that “the Palestinians are seeking the General Assembly’s approval of a draft resolution that would allow observer states to raise their flags. Several nations along with Malta have already shown support for the Palestinians' pursuit of statehood, amongst them also the Vatican”..

 “Maintaining a position in favour of Palestine should continue to be Malta’s prerogative. This entails that Malta plays an important part as always, for peace and stability in the Mediterranean, together with other nations for Palestinian sovereignty and rights”, stated the Communist Party of Malta.