Friday, March 25, 2016

PKM Expresses Solidarity with the Workers Party of Belgium

The Communist Party of Malta expresses its’ solidarity in this grave moment when the 
City of Brussels fell victim to terrorist attacks.

These violent acts are the direct result from the imperialistic policies and wars of the U.S, 
NATO, and the EU in the Middle East. These acts are also causing tensions between 
different communities across Europe. The consequence of the anti-Islamic and hate 
Rhetoric of right wing politicians is making fertile ground for Islamic fundamentalists to find 
recruits for their inane causes.

In this grave moment the Communist Party of Malta sends its sympathies to The Workers 
Party of Belgium (PTB) to its leadership and cadres and to all the victims of this 
unnecessary vile attack on the population of the City of Brussels

Communists call for policies that secure a better future for immigrants in Malta.

The Communist Party of Malta appeals to the political class and the independent media to give importance to the problems facing immigrants in Malta. The Party supports the initiative taken by the migrant community in organising a peaceful protest to raise awareness on their precarious situation.

“Serious issues with regards immigration, such as the right for a citizenship for those children born in Malta, the right to a secure future, decent jobs and the right to equal treatment should be on the national agenda. The Party added that "good governance is not only about fighting corruption, but also about the responsibility of governments and governing bodies to meet the needs of all the people in society, especially the most vulnerable, such as immigrants”.

Monday, March 14, 2016

Communist Party of Malta denounces the EU-Turkey Immigration agreement

The Communist Party of Malta joined in a statement with other Worker’s and Communist parties forming a Solidarity Network (Solidnet) to show solidarity with the refugees and immigrants, and to take a stand against the agreement signed by the European Union with Turkey on immigration.
“The joint statement denounces the imperialist wars of intervention by the USA, NATO, the EU and their ‘allies’, like Turkey, Saudi Arabia and Qatar. Also the statement deplores bourgeois governments that follow the line of police-military repression against refugees”.
In conclusion the joined forces appeal the European Commission and the EU President to abolish the repressive mechanism signed between the EU and Turkey, and also to abolish the Dublin III Regulations.

“Constitutional Reforms should strengthen Malta’s neutrality”

The Communist Party of Malta stated "that reforms to the Maltese Constitution should transform the clause, that bans, Naval warships belonging to super powers from visiting Malta, into a clause that bans the Warships from all countries. This would render this clause more compatible with today's’ political situation".
“These progressive reforms if introduced will surely strengthen our Neutrality clause where Malta as a neutral state will actively be pursuing peace, security and social progress among all nations by adhering to a policy of non-alignment and refusing to participate in any military alliance”, stated the Communist Party of Malta.