One Hundred Years from the events of 7th
November 1919. Communist Party Malta.
2017 is the 100 year anniversary of
the Great October Revolution This Revolution took place in Russia on November 7th
of 1917. This was the greatest event of the 20th Century; it was a
step forward that shook the world from its foundation, it brought about great
changes where Marxist theory was put to practice, and also left an indelible
mark in the history of mankind.
The salvation of humanity lies only
in the transformation of the society into a Socialist Society.
Over 100 years ago Roza Luxemburg
said “either Socialism or Barbarism” and since the counter revolutions that
took place in the Soviet Union and the Socialist Community in Eastern Europe,
this statement rings true, as exactly towards barbarism capitalism has led us.
The Great October Revolution inspires and shows us the way forward in our
The Socialist road embarked upon by Vladimir
Lenin and his Bolshevik Party after years of ceaseless struggle, at last had led
to the Great October Revolution of 1917. The call by Lenin “All Power to the
Soviets” led the then oppressed Russian workers and peasantry into open revolt
against the “Provisional Government
that had replaced the Tsarist regime. This workers and farmers Revolution
shaped the Union of the Soviet Socialist Republics from the 15 countries that
formed the previous Tsarist Empire. The USSR was to become a state governed by the
The USSR from a backward country under the
Tsarist regime was to become a leading country competing in all respects with
the United States of America which in the twentieth Century was the
leading power in the western world. The Soviet Union achieved for its citizens
full literacy and a first class free health service in the years preceding
World War. This was again restored in a short period after the Second World War
Through its 73 year history proved
that not only the working class could lead society but that is was also the
bastion of the working classes in the Western Capitalist Countries. Through its
people’s efforts and their leaders namely Joseph Stalin, with great personal sacrifices
the Soviet people built up a mighty land that eventually was put to test during
the Great Patriotic war, much greater sacrifices were required to ward off the German
invasion of 22 June 1941. These Sacrifices included loss of 24 million soviet
citizens, and the complete destruction of soviet cities and villages. However
through its great contribution the Soviet Union was the leading force
that assured the victory over Fascism in the Second World War.
The achievements of the Soviet Union
were evident needless to say the scientific accomplishments, speak for
themselves. The Soviet Union was to become the champion of all countries that
were oppressed by colonialism and was a catalyst in the liberation of all
colonized countries It was the Soviet Union that supported Malta’s and other
countries that demanded independence in the UN.
The Second War was barely over new
war clouds arose on the horizon, not satisfied with the Yalta Treaty, Imperialism with the aid of new weapons felt
safe to challenge the Soviet Union. The
Nuclear Armaments this time were the threat not only to the Soviet Union but to
the whole of mankind. This threat was neutralised by the Soviet Scientists who
also were able to develop nuclear armaments in a very short time. A stalemate
position then ensued. This came to be known as the Cold War. This period ended
in the late 1980’s with a supposedly disarmament treaty which also ended the
Yalta treaty.
Through the revisionism which had
started during the Khrushchev period, and the weak leadership that ensued, plus
the final internal betrayals of Gorbachev and Yeltsin, the counter revolution triumphed
after 73 years, and the Soviet Union came to a sad end. Imperialism had triumphed and went on to break
every treaty that it had made with the now defunct Soviet Union. Today we are
living in a unipolar world the U.S. dictating its demands which are always in
tune with its own interests, which happens to be everywhere.
Capitalism today is in decay. The
predictions, made by Karl Marx about its final collapse, have at last arrived. Fascist forces are arising out of capitalism’s
foul decomposition. Fascism is the tool that the bourgeoisie uses when its
position is threatened, and exactly this is what has resulting from the
collapse of the capitalist system. The virus that infected this system started
long before the short lived triumph brought about by the counter revolution of
1989 that led to the fall of the Soviet Union and Socialist Community in
Eastern Europe. It was believed then
that the disappearance of the Eastern Europe Socialist community and the Soviet
Union will open new markets and give capitalism a new impetus thus ensuring its
The opposite of what was expected
ensued as the banking system started to collapse first in U.S then in tandem, the
rest of the capitalist countries in Western Europe this brought about the capitalist
crises that now has been an ongoing feature in the daily life of the European working
classes. Workers especially in the southern European Countries are facing
austerity measures imposed on them by the “Troika.” (the European Commission
(EC), the European Central Bank (ECB) and the International Monetary Fund
These measures have resulted in high
unemployment, precarious jobs, reduced wage packets, reduced pensions and other
social assistance. This has brought about misery on all the strata of workers
from white collars to blue collars. Furthermore,
a rise in poverty amongst low the wage workers. A new term is being used to define
those earning a low wages, they are being known as “the working poor” because
they cannot cope with the rising prices of commodities
Wars of aggression by the Empire and
its NATO allies are being waged against third world countries in an effort to
emerge from these crises by exhorting from them their natural resources. This
however is not something new as in the 19th Century it was the old
imperialist powers France and Britain committed such acts. However today this
is a paradox, as these wars continues to deepen the crises by putting more
demands upon the already empty coffers, and thus creating more hardships on the
workers in western world who are expected to pocket the bill and on the workers
of the third world who are expected to be the victims.
This year all Communists and
progressives around the world are celebrating the 100 years anniversary of the
Great October Socialist Revolution. Today, though Soviet Union is no longer with
us, through the internal betrayals by its last leaders. This should not hinder us. Our tasks and
struggles today are to give Capitalism its “coup
de grĂ¢ce” and to reach the masses everywhere to build socialism on a global
scale thus ridding the world of miseries, suffering, and wars.
Victor Degiovanni.