The Communist Party of Malta commemorated on the 25 of December the 150 Anniversary from the birth of Manwel Dimech. A delegation led by the Party’s Secretary Victor Degiovanni placed a floral wreath on Manuel Dimech’s Monument in Castille Square Valletta.
The Communist Party of Malta deems Dimech to be the founder of the Progressive Movement in Malta. He was active and founded the movement of ‘Xirka ta’ l-Imdawlin’(League of the Enlightened) in 1911. This movement was active in areas such as labour rights, education, the fight against poverty and struggle for Independence from the British Colonial Domination and even published the newspaper called ‘Bandiera tal-Maltin’.("The Maltese People's Flag") People from every sphere of society were inspired by his teachings and many followed in his footsteps, including British soldiers.
Dimech politically was a mixture of Utopian Socialism and Nationalism invoked the wrath of the Catholic Oligarchy, the Maltese ruling class, and the British Colonial authorities. On the outbreak of the first World War he was arrested by the British authorities and on the pretext of being a Turkish spy he was interned in Sidi Basr Concentration Camp in Alexandria Egypt. After the end of the War both the Catholic church and the Maltese ruling class opposed his return to Malta. Dimech died as an exile in Egypt in 1921 and was buried in an unmarked grave. Today he is considered to be a Martyr for the cause of the Maltese working class..