2nd June Nazim Hikmet Center in Ankara

The Communist Party of Malta salutes the Turkish people who have up risen against the brutal repressions unleashed by the AKP Administration that is governing Turkey today. Peaceful demonstrations in Istanbul, in resistance to the development of the Taksim Gezi Park from a popular park into an elitist zone, has sparked an uprising all across Turkey, provoked by this unleashed fascist violence against the peaceful demonstrators by the Turkish security forces.
We also salute the Communist of Turkey (TKP) whose activists are amongst the Thousands of casualties injured due to the violence perpetrated against the demonstrators by the Turkish security forces. Also we note that this repression is targeted against the TKP, as the attacks on several TKP cultural Centers indicate. These attacks  namely against:  the Nazim Hikmet Centre in Ankara, and the offices of “Sol” in Istanbul; a newspaper that has links with the TKP, exposes the administration attempts to shift the blame of its' failures on Communists

 “The Communist Party of Turkey has been active in the struggle for the keeping of a secular state, which is threatened by the present AKP Government led by Tayup Erdogan an imperialist ally, and an accomplice along with NATO and the EU, in the US bid for hegemony over this region The AKP with its’ Islamic tendencies wants to put the clock back, and revert once again Turkey into an Islamic State. The AKP  also has a Neo Liberal agenda.

During the decades of the 20 century, many members of the Communist Party either ended up in prison or were killed in the struggle for liberty and democracy. Turkey has a history of military dictatorship, and brutal bourgeois civil administrations, which were always supported by US Imperialism”.
The Communist Party of Malta expresses its solidarity with The Communist Party of Turkey its activist and with all those who are involved in this struggle against the classist nature, of the brutal forces of repression, that the right wing is  unleashing against them.

The Central Committee
Communist Party Malta