Sunday, May 22, 2016

A Unique Debate on NATO to be Held in Malta,

 A Unique  Debate on NATO to be Held in Malta, on  May 27th, 2016*
 Friday 27, May  2016, From 18:30 am to around 20:30pm,  
at Workers memorial Building , GWU, South Street  Valletta
                   -  2nd Floor- Council Room-


Alba Malta North Africa Coordination , the Anti imperialist Tricontinental Platform- England  and Collettivo Askavusa from Lampedusa have the  pleasure to invite you to this Public event .
We have special guest speakers for the first time In Malta speaking  at the event, 

Sukant Chandan, Indian Political Analyst specialist on the Global South, Tricontinental Platform, England-
Lucio Santin, expert on migration issues, From Collettivo Askavusa, Lampedusa , Italy
Voices of Ex Yugoslavia Community in Malta,

South to South ! 
with Cesar, Fernando, Erno, Nolasco!

This last event will be dedicated to all the exiles people, refugees of NATO, forced to leave their homeland And to commemorate the  25th years of the Balkan wars.

Worker’s Day Message

On the occasion of the International Worker’s Day, the 1st of May, The Communist Party of Malta said "that various workers in Malta are facing uncertainties as the right to regular and decent conditions of employment is not any more protected".
The Party added that “precarious work contracts are becoming the order of the day. Under these new conditions the workers suffer from precarious, insecure, uncertain, and unpredictable working conditions”.
“There is an urgency for progressive Trade unions, workers, social movements and the left in Malta to come together to confront this new type of exploitation, and struggle for a decent wage, a secure future, social protection, and access to rights. This universality and dimension of the problem, calls also, for a coordinated and comprehensive action at the international and European level”.
The Communist Party of Malta is also aware of the increase of the extreme right wing ideology which is on the rise in Europe. This ideology threatens the principle of worker’s solidarity and the emancipation of the working class. This false belief targets vulnerable workers, immigrants and other minorities, with the aim to alienate the workers from their real struggles towards social justice and a classless society”.


Communists call for policies that secure a better future for immigrants in Malta.

The Communist Party of Malta appeals to the political class and the independent media to give importance to the problems facing immigrants in Malta. The Party supports the initiative taken by the migrant community in organising a peaceful protest to raise awareness on their precarious situation.
“Serious issues with regards immigration, such as the right for a citizenship for those children born in Malta, the right to a secure future, decent jobs and the right to equal treatment should be on the national agenda. The Party added that "good governance is not only about fighting corruption, but also about the responsibility of governments and governing bodies to meet the needs of all the people in society, especially the most vulnerable, such as immigrants”.


Monday, May 2, 2016

Statement of the Secretariat of the European Communist Initiative on MAY 1st

We are honoring the struggles of the working class and the workers of the world.
As Communist Parties, we consider this day not as a holiday, not as a simple annual event, but as an international day of proletarian solidarity and struggle of the working class and all workers.
As communist women and men, we are proud of our ideology, our values and ideals, our struggle for social progress, for the rights of peoples, for the liberation of humanity and its emancipation from the yoke of capitalism.
In our days, the working class and the laboring masses all over the world are direct witnesses and first victims of the consequences of the deep economic and social crisis of the capitalist system, which principally hits them and also other people's strata.
Capitalism leads to the worsening of working conditions, wage cuts, unemployment, insecurity and poverty on the rise and the intensification of measures of repression against class resistance and is responsible for imperialist wars and military interventions, presented under false and deceptive pronouncements, for control of markets and raw materials and chiefly the energy resources.
This fact is even more evident today. The imperialist war and aggression generate bloodshed and poverty, from which enormous numbers of migrants are attempting to flee.
The Communists play the leading role in the struggle against imperialist wars and defend the principle of internationalist struggle, work for the unity of the working class, regardless of their nationality and religion, and for the common struggle concerning labour and social rights.
On May 1st, the Communists call the working class, the workers to strengthen their mass mobilizations and intensify the class struggle, against capital, its political representatives and the anti-people political line against NATO and the EU and the other imperialist unions.
The Communists strongly reaffirm the vanguard role of the working class as the creator of all wealth, and we stress the social and historical necessity to overturn capitalism via a revolution and build a social system, where the wealth belongs to those who produce it, and the political power belongs to the great majority of the people: the working class and its allies.
We state openly and firmly, that our goal is a society with no exploitation of man by man, no imperialist wars, no hunger, no unemployment, nor poverty.
We are fighting for a society, based on the workers' power, the socialization of the means of production, the scientific centralized planning and the real and substantial democracy for the working masses, a society that will satisfy the contemporary needs of the people.
We express our internationalist solidarity to the workers in struggle, wherever they are fighting for their rights and their future.
Long live the workers' May 1st!
Workers of the world, unite!

Worker’s Day Message

On the occasion of the International Worker’s Day, the 1st of May, The Communist Party of Malta said "that various workers in Malta are facing uncertainties as the right to regular and decent conditions of employment is not any more protected".
The Party added that “precarious work contracts are becoming the order of the day. Under these new conditions the workers suffer from precarious, insecure, uncertain, and unpredictable working conditions”.
“There is an urgency for progressive Tradeunions, workers, social movements and the left in Malta to come together to confront this new type of exploitation, and struggle for a decent wage, a secure future, social protection, and access to rights. This universality and dimension of the problem, calls also, for a coordinated and comprehensive action at the international and European level”.

The Communist Party of Malta is also aware of the increase of the extreme right wing ideology which is on the rise in Europe. This ideology threatens the principle of worker’s solidarity and the emancipation of the working class. This false belief targets vulnerable workers, immigrants and other minorities, with the aim to alienate the workers from their real struggles towards social justice and a classless society”.

Communists against the Part-Privatization of the National Pension system.

The Communist Party of Malta deplores the way the Minister of Finance is addressing the pension reform. The strategy adopted, although it strengthens the basic minimum state pension, it also aims to part-privatize the national pension system.
“The national strategy, to opt for a second and third pillar schemes, is none other than the opening up of the state pension system to private institutions. These policies form part of the neo-liberal agenda dictated by the right wing gurus and the financial institutions”, stated the Communist Party of Malta.
The Communist Party of Malta urges the Trade unions and the working class to voice their opposition to such neo-liberal policies and to stop once and for all the privatization of the national pension system.