The Communist Party of Malta views the Budget presented in Parliament for the year 2017 to 2018 as being positive in many aspects, but understandably it is still lacking in others. To eradicate poverty completely more have still to be done. Although the measures being taken are slow they are on the right track.
Under the present socio-political conditions, where Neo-Liberalism reigns supreme, the party does not expect much more. One cannot expect governmental control over exorbitant rents which are becoming more unaffordable to the working classes in Malta, in a Capitalist system capitalists dictate the terms, not the Government. Neither can we expect that the minimum wage is raised substantially so that a family can have a decent level standard of living. This, however, should not deter us from continuing the struggle to achieve our aims
The Communist Party of Malta is glad to note that the LP has retained much of its social consciousness of the past, even in today’s situation, where the political parties, have moved away from past political stances.
The Working Class in Malta must once more take on the lead in the struggle for regaining what it had lost in the recent past, the right for, for long-term employment, away, from the precarious jobs, and low wages. Only through Socialism will these conditions improve. Only the working class can embark on the road towards Socialism
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