Friday, October 2, 2020



Reports in the local media are speculating that the Maltese Government will be signing the SOFA agreement (Status of Forces Agreement).  This had coincided with the US Secretary of Defence to Malta.

Malta’s signing of this agreement will go directly against the Neutrality Clause in Malta’s Republican Constitution, and will also undermine Dom Mintoff’s historical legacy.

No amount of US aid by the US will make good for this. Once part of Malta’s Sovereignty is lost, it will be gone forever.

The Communist Party of Malta is sure that the present Social Democratic Administration will not yield to any pressure that may be put by the US side and neither any amount of remuneration will tempt the Maltese Government.

Failure by the Maltese Government by signing of this agreement will put Malta into hot water, as this may open grounds for further whims by the US.

All progressives and left minded activists, within and outside the Labour Party, stands firm along with the Communist Party in their will to oppose this agreement.


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