The Communist Party of Malta condemns NATO merciless bombing of civilians in Sirte. The Maltese Government should take a clear position on this issue. We can’t ignore reality and not condemn NATO for what is taking place in Sirte. Malta ’s position up to now has been supporting NATO. This position is undermining Malta ’s Neutral Status and is putting Malta in an ambiguous position.
“Reports coming from the war zone are stating that the allied forces are bombarding schools, hospitals and private houses, with the tragic consequence of great loss of life, which includes women and children. People in Sirte are also suffering from severe shortages of food, water and medicine supplies”.
“While we support the efforts made by the Maltese Government to give medical and humanitarian aid to Libyans, we cannot remain silent at these atrocities. NATO actions in Sirte, goes directly contrary to the UN resolution of a No fly Zone”.
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