The Communist Party of Malta gives its full support to Selmun Palace Hotel workers and their families, who again have protested to protect their jobs.
“The Party states, that while these workers in two days time, will end up registering for work, the present Nationalist Administration had voted in favour of an increase of €500 per week in the ministers honorarium over and above their salary”.
“The Government continues to burden the families with more austerity measures, by laying off workers, increasing the energy tariffs, and more privatisation of public services. These are the same neo liberal policies adopted by the European Union
“The Government’s policy is not in the interests of the working class, but one that safeguards the privileges of the few. It is scandalous that the new CEO of Air Malta, appointed by the Government is given a payment half a million euro, to introduce tough measures and reforms that will affect negatively Air Malta and Selmun Palace employees, with some of these workers also facing redundancy”.
We appeal Government to employ workers in the public sector or in other public entities.