The Communist Party calls on the Maltese Government to introduce measures to reduce the price of gas for domestic use. The Party notes that the removal of subsidies and liberalization in the distribution of gas resulted in massive increases in the price leading to more social inequality and higher profits to the private sector.
“The Party insists on measures to ensure that gas price is reasonably priced to crerate a situation where low-income families are able to use this essential energy regularly, as other families that are “comfortable”. NSO statistics shows that 87% of Maltese households make use of gas. This proves that gas usage is essential. The situation is critical when statistics show that 56,000 persons, or one in seven of the population, cannot afford to heat their house.”
“The Government’s policy on energy is an anti-social one, and nobody can deny that this policy is increasing social inequalities in society, between the haves and the have-nots. The Party stresses that the policy of subsidies is not an inducment to waste. On the contrary it protects the disadvantaged if operated in a just manner. Taking Argentina as an example among many others, The Kirchner government distinguish between what is gas for domestic use and what is for commercial or industrial use. The Party stresses that the taxation system should be one that favours social justice and not increase inequality. to The party also notes that globally the price of gas for domestic use is, in large part, subsidized”.
The Communist Party of Malta therefore reiterates that “it will continue to work so the social aspect in the basic use of energy is given priority by the political class".