The Communist Party of Malta expressed solidarity with Nikos Photopoulos, Trade Union leader of GENOP / DEI, and six other colleagues, who are under trial for their full participation in the ‘sit in strike’ protests, held last November at the general headquarters of the Public Corporation for Computing, against the Government’s decision to impose austerity measures and job redundancies.
“The Party believes that Trade Unions have every right to defend and safeguard worker’s rights and conditions. Dismantling of this right means the resurgence in Europe of the fascist era, where workers and leaders where put in prison. This happened under Franco’s regime in Spain, Germany under Hitler, Italy under Mussolini, and Chile under Pinochet”.
“European and Greek workers have every right to refuse to pay for the economical fiasco made by others. The Communist Party of Malta joins with other communists and worker’s organisations to condemn the actions taken by the Greek authorities in the prosecution of the trade union movement. These workers are facing a prison sentence of 5 to 10 years”.
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