The Communist Party of Malta is concerned with the ongoing bad situation of the workers in Europe. "The policy of the European Union is designed to protect only the interests of the owners of capital", said the Party, and "the few progressive measures being put forward for discussion are being discarded, including the tax on financial transactions".
"Once again, we urge the Government to review its position on this matter and vote for this just tax. The same should do the MEPs in the European Parliament," said the Communist Party.
"The financial situation in Malta shows that sustainability is no longer guaranteed, and therefore progressive fiscal proposals that tax the wealthy for the benefit of the masses should be accepted and approved".
The Communist Party of Malta endorses and supports proposals by the United Left Group in the European Parliament to generate growth and jobs. These include the creation of a European minimum wage, decent work, defense of the welfare state, tax on capital not less than the tax on labour, ‘true’ tax on financial transactions, major programs on infrastructure, the end of the social and fiscal dumping and spending more in research and education for the benefit of the people.
“These are possible with the creation of a European social and ecological fund, instead of the stability pact. The Party believes that in the present situation and the current economic system reigning in Europe, these proposals are vital changes that must be urgently implemented, so that the worker, the pensioner, the student and the poor cease to be crushed by the austerity measures intended to safeguard the bankers and owners of capital. The Communist Party feels that it's time for a radical change in the economic, political and social systems.
The Party also expresses solidarity with workers in Europe who are in the streets protesting against the austerity measures and condemns the brutal methods being used by the police in Spain and Greece to try to halt the protests of the working class.