Wednesday, April 27, 2011
The Communist Party’s Mayday Message.
“We recognise that presently the working class has lost much of its rights and is in a critical situation where it is difficult for workers to defend themselves against this right wing neo-liberal onslaught fostered by the Neo-Liberal policies being championed by the European Union”.
“The European Strategy 2020 and the “Euro Plus Pact” are intended solely to dismantle the present conditions of the workers, with the pretext of more competitiveness and stability of the Euro”.
“Workers are experiencing inferior conditions of work, in a massive competitive market, through the introduction of precarious employment with no job security, low wages and reduction in their conditions of work. Some workers are also being denied the right of association with a trade union and the right to collective bargaining.”
“We are also witnessing actions by the workers in various European countries, supported by Communist Parties, namely those from Greece, France, Spain and Portugal, who are demonstrating against the austerity policies imposed upon them by the ruling capitalist class in the European Union.”
“Workers in Malta should be aware of the regressive policies that are being legislated in the European Parliament to dismantle worker’s rights. The workers should take the example of other European countries where workers have taken to the streets and are present standard of living and their conditions of work”.
The Communist Party of Malta appeals to the working class to become once again a militant force and recognise who is their real class enemy. These enemies militate in political parties that defend the interest of the capitalist class, to the detriment of the workers and their families. This could be seen by the fact that these political parties in Malta are not very eager to address the problem of precarious employment and class struggle.
Thursday, April 21, 2011
The Communist Party of Malta condemns the Central Bank Governor’s neo liberal stance.
The Party notes that the Governor failed to propose real social economic solutions, and also failed to criticise the lack of enforcement in tax evasion. The Governor was more interested in pushing forward a neo liberal agenda on the same parameters of the European Union, to introduce cuts in social spending, that we classify as ‘working class rights’.
“The ‘means testing’ concept is a tool for the breaking down of the universality of social welfare, and also to deprive families in need from these rights, as is happening in the case of minimum wage earners and pensioners”.
“Once again, The Communist Party of Malta maintains its position against the introduction of private pension schemes. The State should not abdicate from this social responsibility, as the governor of the Bank is proposing. The same applies to the National Health Service which should not be subjected to any ‘means testing’ and should remain free.”
The Communist Party of Malta sees the Governor in the same light as other right wing politicians who, in order to reduce inflation, advocate the implementation of anti social measures against the working class, who are not to blame for the present capitalist economic crisis.
Sunday, April 17, 2011
Manwel Dimech

Nhar il-Gimgha 17 ta' April il-Partit Komunista Malti ppartecipa fil-miexja ta' Commemorazzjoni ta' l-gheluq tad-90 Anniversarju mill-Mewt tal-Hassieb riformatur Maltu Manwel Dimech hawn taht qedhin nirriproducu id-diskors commemorattiv li ghamel is-Segretarju tal-PKM Victor Degiovanni
“Manwel Dimech kien l-ewwel persuna f’Malta li hadha kontra l-isfruttament tal-Klassi tal-Haddiema. Huwa kien ukoll il-persuna li ssielet ghal-helsien ta’ Malta mill hakma barranija bl-ghajta tieghu Maltaghal-Maltin. Ohrajn kienu johlmu biss biex jehilsu lill Malta mill hakma Ingliza. L-Ghan Taghhom kien li Malta tkun parti ‘ntegrali mill-Itaja. Manwel Dimech kien bniedem li emancipa lilhu nnfsu mill-kundizzjonijiet li sab ruhu fihom minhabba l-mizerja u l-injoranza li kienu gew mhollija fiha l-massa mhux privilegjata tal-poplu Malti. Kemm mil-hakkiema ‘nglizi kif ukoll min dawk il Maltin ghonja li kull ma kien jintereshom, kienu l-isfruttament u l-profit.
Il-Knisja min-nahha taghha kienet tippriedka l-karita imma kenitx appogatt lill Dimech imma ghamlitlu gwerra ghaliex, mhux ghax ma fehemitx l-ghanijiet ta’ Dimech, imma ghaliex rat fih, ribell li seta jkisser l-ordni socjali ta’ dak inhar. Il-Knisja kellha pozizzjoni privelegjata ghaliex kienet hi l-hakkiema tal-poplu Malti wara l-awtorita Ingliza. Il-Karita li kienet tippriedka l-knisja kienitx bizzejjed sabiex teghrfa lill-popolin mill mizerja li kien jisab fiha, ghaliex li ried li jsirr, kienet, il-gustizzja socjali, li Dimech kien il-hin kollhu jitkellem dwarha. Din il-gustizzja socjali kienet principju Socjalista li ma kienetx ghada tigi ppratikkata, fi zmien Manwel Dimech, la f”Malta u l’anqas fl-Ewropa. Kellha tkun Ir-Rivoluzzjoni Russa, sabiex dan il-kuncett gie ezecertitat fil-prattika, kemm mis-socjalisti li kienu hadu l-poter u kif ukoll mill-klassi kapitalista tal-pajjizi tal-punent, li issa kienu fehmu li jekk ma jghamlux hekk kien sejjer jigrilhom bhal mal-gralhom shabhom il-kapitalisti Russi
Il-Hasra kienet li dan l-avvanz Manwel Dimech ma kellux x-xorti li jarah., principalment minhabba l-fatt li huwa kellhu hafna gheddewa li ‘kkonfoffaw kontrieh u malli faqqet l-Ewwel Gwerra Dinijija huwa sab ruhu eziljat min Malta fuq Degriet tal-Gvernatur Ingliz Henry Leslie Rundle u maqful gewwa l-kamp ta’ koncentrament ta’ Sidi Basr gewwa l-Ixandra fl-Egittu. Dimech wara l-gwerra ma ngiebx lura Malta ghaliex il-klassi gholja u l-Knisja ma rieduhx jerga jigi lura. Huwa miet fl-ezilju, Nhar is-17 ta’ April fl-1921, il-bghod min familtu u min pajjizu Malta li huwa tant habb. Ta min isemmi hawnhekk li dan il-principju tal-gustizzja socjali wasal Malta wara it-Tieni Gwerra Dinjija jigifieri aktar min tletin sena wara l-mewt ta’ Dimech.
Illum insselmu lill dan il-hassieb Malti li ghalkemm l-ghedewwa tieghu irnexilhom li jnahhuh min nofs, Il-pjan viljak taghhom fallilhom ghal-kollox, ghaliex il-hsieb tieghu ghadhu haj. Daq li hsieb ta’ Manwel Dimech baqa ma tkissierx ghaliex dawk li gew warajh xerdu it-taghlim tieghu, li ghadu fostna sa z-zminijiet tal-lum. Manwel Dimech kien ghalliem denju li fetah it-triq ghal-emancipazzjoni tal-klassi tal-haddiema f’Malta.”
Tuesday, April 12, 2011
: “Security should be assured in energy production”.
The Communist Party of Malta calls on the Government to take seriously the issue of national security and sovereignty when planning for the production and generation of energy in Malta.
“The political differences with Italy on the migration issue, exposes a weakness Malta could face to maintain its sovereignty in the energy sector. The neo liberal approach to connect Malta with a European grid is a direct threat to our security, as we could be easily blackmailed over energy”.
The Communist Party of Malta believes that to protect the social and security of the energy production in Malta, the State should not abdicate from its responsibilities. Liberalisation leads only to the privatisation of this sector. The privatization of the gas sector has resulted in prices three times higher for the consumer.
The State should provide and guarantee continuous power on a national basis. We also believe that the government’s role should be to invest in other renewable sources of energy.
Thursday, April 7, 2011
PKM deplores Ryanair’s comments
The Communist Party of Malta deplores the comments made the representatives of Ryanair and considers this as interference. The Ernst & Young report gives a clear picture that the low cost airlines are direct competitors with our National Air line. This situation is creating an unfair competition, and is a direct threat to the sustainability of Air
The Communist Party expresses solidarity with all workers at Air
The Communist Party of Malta condemns the Government's policy which was always in favour of privatisation. This had the effect of workers losing their jobs and others suffering from inferior working conditions. Several public companies that had been privatised are employing new workers on atypical job contracts which results in precarious jobs. A typical example is several workers at GO and Malta Post PLC who are being employed on atypical job contracts and others face the thread of becoming redundant.