Tuesday, April 12, 2011

: “Security should be assured in energy production”.

The Communist Party of Malta calls on the Government to take seriously the issue of national security and sovereignty when planning for the production and generation of energy in Malta.

“The political differences with Italy on the migration issue, exposes a weakness Malta could face to maintain its sovereignty in the energy sector. The neo liberal approach to connect Malta with a European grid is a direct threat to our security, as we could be easily blackmailed over energy”.

The Communist Party of Malta believes that to protect the social and security of the energy production in Malta, the State should not abdicate from its responsibilities. Liberalisation leads only to the privatisation of this sector. The privatization of the gas sector has resulted in prices three times higher for the consumer.

The State should provide and guarantee continuous power on a national basis. We also believe that the government’s role should be to invest in other renewable sources of energy.

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