Thursday, May 5, 2011

The Communist Party of Malta welcomes the agreement between Al Fatah and Ħamas

The Communist Party of Malta welcomes the agreement between Al Fatah and Ħamas and all other Palestinian factions to end the political division between them, and to have a single voice, united in the struggle for the creation of the Palestinian State. This agreement was reached through the mediation of the Ad interim Government of Egypt.

“We would like to remind, that next September, the Palestinian people will be asking the General Assembly of the United Nations to declare officially the creation of the Palestinian State according to the borders existing in 1967. The Communist Party of Malta expects and urges the Maltese Government to vote in favour of the resolution creating a sovereign, independent Palestine.

The Communist Party of Malta condemns the illegal occupation of the Palestinian lands by Israel, declared as an illegal occupation by the United Nations and violates international laws. The Communist Party condemns the violent repression and murders that are constantly committed against the Palestinian people by the Isreali forces.

The Party augurs the Palestinian people in their bid for the recognition of a Palestinian State and reminds them that the Maltese people were always close to their cause and supported them in all international fora. The Party notices and supports the declarations recently passed by the United Nations, the IMF and other international organizations, in recognising that the Palestinian people are able to govern a viable Palestinian State.

On this historic occasion we remember and salute the Palestinian martyrs who suffered and who gave their lives in the noble cause for the creation of a Palestinian state.

The Communist Party of Malta acknowledges the fact that there will be sectors who do not like to see the end of the divide between the various Palestinian factions. We call on the Palestinian people to challenge them and strengthen unity amongst the Palestinian people.

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