The Communist Party of Malta deplores the attitude taken by the Maltese Government, when once again the Government has shown its anti-democratic credentials, when without any warning, and without informing anyone, the Government amended the Industrial law hindering transport workers from their right to strike. The right to strike is protected by the International Labour Organization (ILO) statute.
“This ploy was not a surprise to us, because the Nationalist Party embraces the same values of the European Union, neo liberalism. Where referenda, general elections, and the right to strike, are seen as a direct threat to the hegemony of the European financial Institutions”.
“The recent event that took place in Greece and Italy, where leadership of the country was entrusted to non-elected technocrats is a case in point. While the actions being taken by the Government in Malta, particularly in the public transport sector, is a continuation of this neo liberal agenda”.
The Communist Party of Malta appeals to the Director of Employment and Industrial Relations to take this issue with urgency and find an appropriate remedy so that the right to strike by all workers is protected. The right to information and also the right to open consultation should not be undermined. The Government should respect the democratic process, and withdraw the amendments made to the Act on Employment and Industrial Relations.
“The Party appeals to the Trade Unions to unite and work together on this important matter. The Communist Party will also do its part by taking this issue to the European Parliament with the help of our comrades in the United Left Block”.