The Communist Party of Malta expresses its solidarity towards all those people that had to face difficulties in order to make use of public transport, due to lack of proper public consultation, haste and arrogance. Many were late for work while others were forced to absent themselves from work. This resulted in everyone having to wake up earlier in order to arrive at work on time.
The Party sympathises with all those people that whenever they tried to express their concerns regard the service, many were ridiculed and told that they did not understand how the service works.
"The Party therefore believes that there is no credible excuse for this fiasco. We expect that someone should bear the responsibility for all this. We also expect that the money paid for the planning of the routes, should be returned back to the state, so that the Government could use that money on social services.
"The Party also expresses solidarity with those workers who were made ‘sacrificial lambs’.”
Members from the Communist Party of Malta will join tomorrow’s protest for a just and efficient public transport. We appeal the general public to join and support these courageous youths, who are organizing this protest.
Victor Degiovanni
Il-Politici f'Pajjizna tkellmu hafna. Il-Poplu Malti u Ghawdxi meta se jqum u jitkellem. Qeda tinhema Protesta Nazzjonali ohra imma din id-darba Protesta Nazzjonali b'differenza. Jekk taqbel ma dan ikkumenta u navvicinawk. Jekk Mexxej jew organizatur ta' xi ghaqda ikkumenta u navvicinawk. Jekk int Missier, Omm , Anzjan, Zghazugh, Zghazugha, Student, Studenta, Mexxej, Direttur ta' xi Azjenda, jekk int Mexxej ta' l-Union u tifhem lil-Membri Haddiema li int tipprezenta qeghdin ibghatu u qed jistaqsu ghal Gustizzja, int iktar minn kulhadd obligat tkun maghna. Ghalhekk kull min jemmen wasal il-waqt lil-Poplu issemma lehnu, ikteb, ikkumenta u stieden ohrajn jghamlu dan u ilkoll tigu avvicinati biex din il-Protesta Nazzjonali b'differenza tigi organizzata. Jekk trid li dan issehh ghati sehmek u heggeg ohrajn.