The Communist Party of Malta condemns the anti-democratic actions that are being committed against the people of Greece and Italy. The European Union and the capitalist financial institutions such as the IMF and the World Bank are imposing technocrats as leaders of interim goverments, without consulting the people through elections. The Party believes that these countries should go to the polls. Indeed the Communist Party of Malta is supporting the European left block in its call for elections.
“The working class has every right to oppose austerity measures and have every right to elect parties who they believe that they will protect their interests. The current situation in Greece and Italy is dangerous. Anti-democratic tactics were also applied in the case of the European Treaty to come into force. The European Treaty is a neo liberal concept.”
“The Communist Party of Malta sees this capitalist interference in both countries as a threat to sovereignty, and could be a step towards fascism. We are concerned that fascism will be imposed if the working class succeeds in putting a stop to the austerity measures”.
The Party expresses its solidarity with the working people in Greece and Italy and is giving its full support to the Communist Party of Greece (KKE) and the Italian Communists, in their struggle to protect the working class from the capitalist onslaught and for democratic participation and representation.
The Party is also concerned that the anti-democratic tactics, will be applied in similar situations in the future. Capitalists are feeling threatened by democratic measures. The are scared of losing their hegemony. The party appeals to the Maltese MEPs to be on the alert, as there is a possibility thatEurope will find itself in the same situation, as in the 1930s, which lead to an era of fascism.
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